I created this web site to allow a wider audience to see the car and perhaps provide me with some information pertaining to this specific car, for example, Broadcast Sheet, former owners, etc.
I purchased this Rallye Red (FE5) 1970 Plymouth AAR `CUDA, VIN BS23J0B294098 on 16 October 2004. I contacted Desert AutoSport in Mesa, Arizona the dealer representing the car, made an offer and they accepted. I placed a $1,000 deposit on the car and drove to Mesa to look at this car and finalize the purchase. I have a seven-page narrative on all of the information that I have gathered on this car since I purchased it, if interested in reviewing it. The car appears in the following publications:
Upon taking delivery I noticed that the steering box was leaking, and an attempt was made to fix it that afternoon, with no luck. The seller and I agreed that I would take the car and have this fixed in Southern California and I would bill him for the repairs, which I did. I personally towed the car back to Oceanside, California where I reside. I have located all of the VIN’s on the car in their proper places with the exception of the transmission; therefore, I consider this matching numbers with that exception. The artifacts I received at the time of purchase included a bill of sale between Car Scene, Inc. and Brent N. Hill, a former owner, no date on contract. I also received the Chrysler Registry certificate that Terry Klein, a former owner, had Galen Govier decode the fender tag and entered this VIN into a registry for cars of this type, dated 25 October 2002. Interestingly, the certificate is wrong in that it showed the state where Terry lived as Ohio, when it should have been California. I traced the street, city and zip code to a California address. I've been able to identify owners back to the mid 80's, in the Randolph, (Morris County) New Jersey area.
Since purchasing the car, I have replaced many parts that were missing, incorrect or damaged, as follows:
Is your AAR numbers matching; here's what to look for ...
For an AAR `CUDA to be numbers matching, that means that ALL of the original Vehicle Identification Numbered (VIN) components are still with the car. The locations of the numbers that must match are:
The dash VIN is viewable through the windshield.
Here is the Mylar decal with the VIN viewable, located on the back of the driver's side door.
Here is the Fender Tag with the VIN viewable on the last line.
Here is the Serial Number for my T/A block, located on the driver side. You can see that they did not stamp the whole number on the engine, just the last eight digits 0B294098.
Here is where the Serial Number for the 727 Automatic Transmission would be located. My AAR is not numbers matching in that respect.
For the body numbers, the year code and the plant code are transposed. The Serial Number on the cowl reads B0 294098.
The Serial Number on the radiator support also reads 0B294098. These can be difficult to see because of the paint at times.
I learned that this AAR `CUDA street raced out of a place called the Sip Ɛ Sup, pictured to the left (or above), in the fall of 1970 at the intersection of Routes 10 and 202 in Littleton, New Jersey.
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Latest Update: 30 January 2025